About Us
Here at Hivewyre, we are digital advertising consultants that specialize in assisting e-commerce sites grow their business. Hivewyre’s advertising program provides customized advertising solutions to our partners using second party data. This targets your unconverted, in-market shoppers to your online retail business from competing sites in real-time. Our results are 100% transparent to our clients and they have complete control over their campaigns with the guidance of our experienced consultants. Hivewyre has over 500 retailers and over 100 million in-market shoppers within our co-op that contributes to the ever-expanding online marketplace growth.
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Career Here
At Hivewyre, we believe in leaders that help define what success both personally and collectively. We want to do everything we can to help you reach your goals by assisting you in every way we can. With our ever-growing business, we want to build it with strong team members that want to propel their careers to the next level. While independently growing, we also want team members that are simultaneously assisting the company reach its goals as well. When you have the right company culture that is balanced, the possibilities are endless and that is what we strive for here.

Make Commitments &
meet them.

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Tell me what works
& what doesn’t.

No, brilliant jerks.
(Yes, even you!)

Cornhole &
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Our main goal is to deliver growth to our customers, colleagues, company, and community. Click below to find out more.